Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Working together has never been easier

Office 365 from Vodafone gives you all your favourite Microsoft software, like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, on all your devices, storing documents in the cloud when you choose, so you can use them wherever you are. And with Exchange email, Teams, SharePoint and Online storage, it is more than just your office, it is your complete IT solution.Your business could work from the digital workplace in a more efficient and productive way in teamwork to drive value for the business.

We provide you with the Microsoft products you know, together with reliable and secure connectivity, so you can work flexibly, on virtually any device, practically anywhere. And with a single monthly bill for all the services, a single touch point and the flexibility to choose the tariff plans that better suits to your staff, you will have a simple managed enterprise grade solution.



Key features of Office 365 offered by Vodafone

  • Office Versionet më të fundit të paketës Office, duke përfshirë versionet në desktop dhe web
  • Exchange Kutia postare, arkivimi, kalendarët dhe kontaktet me siguri të nivelit premium
  • Sharepoint Të punuarit me lehtësi me ekipet, partnerët dhe klientët tuaj duke krijuar faqe dhe ndarë informacionin në mënyrë të sigurt.
  • Teams Kolegët tuaj janë vetëm një klik larg! Mesazhe të castit, thirrje ose takimeve online me një klik të një butoni
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