#Giga team

Vodafone #Giga Team

You now have actually an expert to guide and assist you, for all your technology needs!

Vodafone #Giga team, is always there for you, for everything you need, on your smartphone and tablet!

A #Giga team expert, will assist and guide you, on whatever you want on your smartphone usage.

What the #Giga team expert is offering:

  • main_icn_Mobile
    Setups from scratch the new smartphone the customers buys

  • rank_lith_icn_Professor
    Explains and trains the customer on the usage of the smartphone
  • lithium_icn_Idea_or_Innovation
    Finds ways, to explore more, on the smartphones capabilities
  • main_icn_Add_or_Plus
    Proposes applications and assists on the usage, that are profitable for the customers
  • arrow-right
    Easily migrates everything from the old smartphone to the new
  • market_icn_Save_go
    Troubleshoots all software related issues. Saves time and money from the hardware repair procedure.
You need help for your phone?
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